Cheri's Blog

I'm Cheri Baker, an author of mystery and science fiction. Welcome!

Visit my bookstore for a fun read.

It’s raining steadily this morning, long cool drips of water that patter the sidewalks and streets, forming shallow puddles. Almost everyone uses an umbrella here in Valencia when it rains, and I joined in, borrowing the one our landlord had thoughtfully put outside the door in a black iron stand. It was the push-button type, and it opens with a satisfying *thwock*. The shops have umbrella stands too, places to hold your sword while you conduct your business or drink your morning coffee.

There are many small conveniences like that around town. Not only umbrella stands, but little hitching posts for “dog parking” and mini lockers for storing your big bags or granny carts at the supermercados. The granny carts lock up with a long chain, and you can put a euro coin into the lockers (you get the coin back) to borrow the key while you shop. It’s one of the many things I love here, those small courtesies. Like the way you can weigh your produce on a machine in the produce aisle and it pops out a little bar code sticker. The cashiers just scan the stickers; everything has been pre-weighed on the spot. I feel like these “small conveniences” are the things you get when you live in a city designed for pedestrians. I want to package these little innovations up and carry them home.

Borrowed Habits

This isn’t the first time I’ve wanted to carry things from other countries home with me. My time in the UK gave me a love of electric kettles, and I no longer make tea in the microwave, like I did growing up. Visiting Japan deepened my appreciation for the washlet bidet. Once you get a bidet, you never want to go back, especially with a heated seat in winter.

And Spain? Spain makes me want to buy a granny cart and haul it around town when I go shopping. Only they probably don’t call them “granny carts” here. I saw a perfectly fit twenty-something pulling hers through the mall, loading it up as she shopped. You can walk miles and miles with one of those things. You can keep a hand free. Some of them are narrow enough to take on a city bus.

I want a granny cart! 😎

Just One More…

Our time in Valencia will be winding down soon, and we’re already talking about our return. It’s always difficult to pry myself out of this place, the second city of my heart. So we’re making our lists of things we want to do before we leave. Just one more cup of coffee at our favorite outdoor cafe. Just one more meal of Valencian paella. Just one more walk through Turia park.

Just one more…

I’ve been struggling with my writing for the last week or so. My brain feels distracted. Glitchy. Progress is horribly slow. Hopefully the raindrops will help me today. The air feels wet and cool, almost as if we’re back in Seattle. Productivity weather. Thinking weather.

Into the book I go!


When I've had too many days off in a row, getting back into the book feels like hunting for a hidden path in a jungle. At least that's how it feels to me. Yesterday, I couldn't find the path.

Late last night, I was relaxing in bed, preparing to sleep. The room was dark and the bed was soft. I heard a woman's voice.

“Tell us about your ship.”

And I saw her, sitting with her sisters around a low table. I knew what she wanted to know.

There it was, the start to the next chapter! So I hauled my butt out of bed and quickly wrote it down. When a voice speaks, you need to answer. In the morning, I knew she'd be gone.


Good morning. Coffee please.

#today #wip

A small blue rectangle a bit thicker than a pack of playing cards. It's an alarm clock.

I'm always looking for new ways to banish my smartphone from my day. My iPhone is a handy gadget when needed, but it's a vicious little distraction machine at the exact same time.

I'm happier when I touch it less.

So I've been thinking about getting an alarm clock to avoid touching the internet's glassy eyeball every morning. Only, most alarm clocks are big and bulky and I don't have much space.

Ask the universe and sometimes an answer will appear? P and I were browsing a department store during our post-coffee walk (gotta love walkable cities!) when we spotted a tiny “flip+ travel” alarm clock. You flip it over to turn the alarm on or off. Touch it to illuminate the clock face. It's small enough to pack.

It's lucky when you run across the exact thing you were looking for. And I'm jazzed to banish my phone from one more place. Take that, modern technology! 😜

I really don't need to see a stack of notifications first thing in the morning. I don't want that kind of distraction.


We're three days from the culmination of the Fallas festival here in Valencia and the mood around the Baker household is... exhaustion? This isn't a complaint, for we came here for the cultural experience and we're certainly getting one. Last night, the partying and the drums went on until 5am. Silence reigned until about nine-thirty, at which point several more marching bands came down the narrow street outside our window, drumming and making joyful music. It's so so loud here. We went out for a cup of coffee, trying to hype up our weary minds, and on the way back we walked past more children lighting and tossing fireworks into the walkways. One of them (the firework, not a child) bounced off my leg like a hard pebble. Ow!

Last night, P couldn't sleep at all. I managed to sleep through much of the revelry because the night prior, I'd been up all night, and I was too wiped out last night to keep my eyes open. So we've been alternating, with one of us too pooped to think and the other one doing okay.

Teamwork! At least one of us is awake enough to function. :)

My only struggle is that when I can't sleep, I can't write. The brain won't make words in a state of duress. So I haven't been all that productive this week. Still, there's been a lot to enjoy and absorb. Yesterday afternoon I grabbed my camera and we walked around town to admire the artworks set up in intersections all around the city. They're so beautiful and so enormous. Too big for my phone to capture! The Falleros and Falleras are parading through the streets in their traditional clothing, looking beautiful, and even the native tourists have dressed up with handkerchiefs and hats in the traditional blue-and-white plaid pattern.

In the Plaza de Vergin, municipal workers have set up an enormous wooden structure of a woman, the patron saint of the city, and starting this afternoon, the Falleras (queens of Fallas) will parade down the street from every neighborhood, bearing flowers, and they'll bring those flowers to the wooden saint, where her wooden dress will be filled in with living blossoms. Later, after a nap, maybe, we'll make our way through the throngs of people to see that for ourselves.

I've often noted that I love the people of Valencia because of their zest for life. Any evening after work can feel like a festival here, so when there is actually is festival, it's almost too much. Like Mardi Gras for nineteen days in a row. Like a Superbowl parade that goes on for weeks. Like all the nights you can't sleep because people are cheering and chanting and drumming outside your window until five in the morning.

It's amazing. It's exhausting. I'm glad I came.

#travel #spain

Good afternoon, internet.

The sun is shining, and I’m working on The Hard Way Home and listening to Polish synth wave music. Very boppy and upbeat.

My read of the week is The Witch King by Martha Wells. I started it a while back but didn’t finish it, so this is my second try. It’s one of those books that requires a lot of attention (Dune-like, you might say) and I needed the right frame of mind.

Writing wise, today is a backtrack day. I’ve written my way up to the first antagonist-battle of the story, and before I start smashing shit together (woo hoo!) I need to go back and smooth the path, fix a few small continuity errors, and so on. As much as I love discovery writing (figuring things out as I go) there’s an element of “oh yeah, when I wrote chapter three I hadn’t figured out X” so I end up cycling back and making matters clearer. The trick is to do this efficiently, without re-writing the first third of the book.

It is not yet time to edit!

One book to read. One new album to listen to. One story to write. This week is shaping up great already.

#today #wip

Bits and pieces from my time in Valencia, Spain

A City in Mourning

Our flight was circling Valencia, preparing to descend, when across the aisle, a guy with a red beard was filming the view with his phone, pointing it at the window to his right. After a moment, he leaned across the central aisle to show his friend the video he’d taken. It showed black smoke boiling out of a high rise. Our plane banked to the right, and I saw it too. A residential tower had been engulfed in flames, and it was sending a dense column of black death high in the air.

After we landed, we turned on the news. Already, people were drawing comparisons to the Greenfeld tragedy in the UK. Here in Valencia, a cheaply constructed apartment building with flammable cladding had gone up in less than an hour. The contractor had long since gone bankrupt, dissolving the business. That fire tore through 173 homes and cost fourteen lives, including a family with a newborn baby. A couple who’d barely escaped the war in Ukraine were rescued off a balcony by firefighters.

The start of the Fallas festival was postponed for three days of mourning, and it seemed the whole city swept their arms around the affected survivors, piling up clothes and childrens’ toys and food. Festival preparations halted, and the once-bustling streets felt lonely, save for clusters of tourists wandering around, taking photos.

Exhibition of the Ninots

We walked through Turia park, the long, ribbon-like parkland that wraps around central Valencia like a scarf. The park was built in a riverbed after the river was diverted, and as we made our way ever closer to the City of Arts and Sciences we passed outdoor cafes, museums, soccer fields, and playgrounds. The biggest playground has an enormous plastic giant, Gulliver, and his body had been transformed into slides, ladders, and other climbing toys. The children become Lilliputans, climbing over the body, laughing, running around. After Gulliver we arrived at the Arts and Sciences complex, passing the futuristic architecture and the low blue pools that reflected each building like a mirror. We’d found the Exhibition of the Ninots.

Ninot is a Valencian word (in the Valencian language) and I don’t know what it means exactly. But they are sculptures, no bigger than eight feet tall, and as diverse as anything you can imagine. Some show family scenes of traditional Valencian life. Others are political statements. One showed (in eye-blistering detail) two politicians having sex. Another showed an Israeli tree decorated with wax doll heads, and many of the heads had bullet holes in them. Some Ninots were cartoon characters. Others were based on movies or comics. The one that made us scratch our heads seemed to be nothing more than a piece of luggage. Ninots seem to be smaller versions of the large artworks (Fallas) that go into the town squares near the end of the festival to be admired, then burned.

With our admission to the exhibition, we were allowed to vote for one ninot to be “pardoned” from the fires. The artwork with the most votes is saved, and goes into a museum. The rest are burned. Fallas is a festival of fire, and there’s something unique about a city that explodes with art every year, only to burn it all down.

Kids with Explosives

March in Valencia is full of fireworks. Every day at two p.m. there’s the mascletà, a ceremonial fireworks display. The daytime fireworks give off cannon-like booms and bursts of colored smoke. And every weekend there are huge, traditional fireworks displays at night, right in the town center. As peak Fallas week approaches, it seems everyone is getting in on the fun. Explosions ring out intermittently, all day and all night.

Every time there’s a fireworks show, the streets absolutely fill with people. It’s as if everyone walks out of work, or their houses, and yacks loudly with their neighbors in the street until the party starts. It’s loud and lively! As the crowd recedes, there’s trash everywhere in the streets, an oddity for what is generally a very clean city. Yet just as quickly, a small army of municipal workers arrive, restoring things to sparkling. In the center square, after the mascletà, a dozen street sweepers zoomed in, running around like car-sized roombas, picking up all the dust and paper.

As an outsider, the thing that surprises me the most is how the children are involved. Small kids, perhaps seven or eight years old, run around town with boxes of fireworks in their hands. They’ll pull out a three-inch firecracker, light it with a lighter, and toss it into the street or plaza. BANG. They laugh like maniacs, and the adults around them pay almost no attention. The streets are full of eager demon children, lobbing explosives into busy areas. BANG. BANG. BANG.

Babies sleep in their mothers’ arms, completely indifferent to the noise and the smoke. As I heard one person say, in Valencia, children are born with polvo (gunpowder) in their veins. It’s quite the thing to see. Back home, we’d never trust little kids with fireworks. Back home, tossing a firecracker around people would get you into significant trouble with your parents. Of course, back home, you jump and duck for cover when you hear a big bang. Back home, a sudden bang is more likely to be gunfire than a firecracker.

Random Acts of Tuba

The other noisy delight this time of year are the bands marching through the streets. Randomly, several times a week, a band shows up nearby and begins playing enthusiastic music in the street. There are lots of tubas. So many tubas. I peek out the window and see dozens of people dancing, jumping, cheering.


Seattle is home to the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF), and early this year, I signed up for a membership. Aside from hosting the annual film festival, they’re a well-respected nonprofit that runs four theaters in the city, most of which show a mix of popular and artsy films. Signing up for a membership gave me an extra excuse to go see movies, including movies that fit that “artsy” category. Films that are made for a smaller audience than a Marvel movie or the latest Fast and Furious franchise entry. And there’s something charming about buying a two-dollar packet of Swiss Miss cocoa powder at the nonprofit theater and mixing up your own drink. It’s akin to watching a movie in your own house, only with a much bigger screen and a roomful of neighbors.

Along those lines, I really enjoyed Poor Things and American Fiction, two movies that hardly made a blip in the Regal-AMC-Cinemark zeitgeist. After getting annoyed with movies in general for being repetitive, derivative, and downright boring, it’s as if I’ve tapped into a vein of quality art that’s quietly been there all along. Why should I mindlessly graze through the latest pabulum on Netflix when I could lose my damn mind to intellectual oddities like Neptune Frost or Obayashi’s House?

Last week, I caught wind of a new “artsy” movie called Perfect Days. It’s a Japanese film about a toilet cleaner, of all things, and I absolutely loved it. I’ve been unable to get it out of my mind.

A promotional image for Perfect Days. An older Japanese man in a blue jumpsuit sits on a bench and looks up blissfully at trees.

It would be easy to say there isn’t a lot of story in this story, because most of the film is simply the camera following the protagonist as he lives and works. He cleans toilets. He reads books. He admires trees. His life is outwardly uncomplicated yet inwardly rich. He lives an entirely analog existence, enjoying his cassette tapes and just one book per week.

As much as I’ve simplified my life over the years, living in a tiny space, ditching most of my belongings, and boiling my days down to their essence, I felt envious of Hirayama. He helps me realize that the chasm between my life right now and the serenity I want isn’t about finding the latest life hack or cutting three more things out of my day. It’s more about character. I can choose to be engaged with the “right now.” I can be generous. I can let it go when others are rude, and I can focus on the beauty of the moment.

That’s the internal, important stuff.

As for my fascination with the analog world, I suspect it’s about more than aesthetics. A paper journal does not track me or try to profile me. Once I’ve bought it, it’s mine forever. There’s an element of risk and excitement to taking an analog photo, or buying a theater ticket at the box office without slavishly pouring over the trailers. When we clear away everything that isn’t important right now, it’s easier to be where we are. Who knows? Perhaps a cassette tape offers a satisfying clunk when it enters the cartridge, and because we cannot skip around impatiently, we kick back and enjoy.

Hirayama doesn’t watch the news. He’s never heard of Spotify. His mind is on his task, and he reads only one book at a time. If I’m envious of all that, perhaps I need only to live as I want to.

Could it be that easy?


Friends and Readers,

Good morning from sunny Valencia, Spain where I’m waist deep in imaginary worlds and making good progress on my next two novels.

A cup of coffee next to my laptop

Valencia is the second city of my heart, and as soon as we landed, I felt all my stress float right out of my body. While we're here, I'll be doing some book research, focused on Valencia's annual cultural festival, called Fallas. (Pronounced FY-YAS)

Fallas lasts about a month, and it incorporates artwork, beauty pageants, parades, the sewing of traditional clothing, religious iconography, and daily fireworks. The festival culminates with an event called la Crema where the artworks are burned in a huge fiery spectacle all around the city. I'd love to set a murder mystery here, but I'm still in the research phase, so for now, that means taking lots of pictures, attending events, and scribbling down notes.

A couple days ago, the first pieces of the “Municipal Falla” arrived in City Hall Square on a flatbed truck. It's huge, and this is only one piece of it! 🤯

A large sculpture of a dove on a flatbed truck. It's upper body is as big as the box of a delivery truck.

If you're curious about Fallas, here's a documentary in English that talks more about the festival and its history.

Let's talk about books! Today, I wanted to tell you about a type of story that you may not have heard of. It's called a “braided novel” or “braided narrative” and I read an excellent one recently.

What's a Braided Novel?

One of my favorite reads this winter was The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler. It won the Locus award for best novel in 2023, and it's one of those books that are difficult to describe without giving too much of the story away. The book is speculative fiction (asking “what ifs” about the future) and the themes include: cyberpunk, marine ecology, anthropology, and artificial intelligence.

Book Cover for the Mountain in the Sea. It shows an illustration of a red octopus

The Mountain in the Sea is a good example of a braided novel. Rather than containing a single story, it contains three separate stories. The novel alternates between those stories, weaving them alongside each other, and the connection is revealed only at the end. Think of that connection as being the tight rubber band at the end of the braid. There's a little snap of “aha!” as the different strands come together.

So what happens in the Mountain in the Sea?

  • A scientist is invited to an island to assist in secret research.
  • A hacker is hired by a mysterious woman to complete an impossible task.
  • A man exiled from his home fights to survive.

For much of the novel, these stories don’t seem to intersect. We skip from one to the other, to the other, unsure of their connection. Braided novels require patience, and there are times when the stories are tightly connected, and other times when the connection is loose. In the end, I was glad I’d persevered because three distinct stories came together in a kind of tapestry.

A braided novel can do things that a traditional narrative cannot. We may see events unfold over the breadth of an entire society. Some braided narratives are told from different points in time, showing how the past, present, and future connect. A braided novel can have more than three strands, but three or four is typical. I’ve even heard George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones books called “braided”, because they often follow different groups for long periods of time before connecting them together.

Anyway, if you’re into cyberpunk, artificial intelligence, and anthropology, check out The Mountain in the Sea. It was a challenging read, but if you enjoy speculative fiction, highly worthwhile. Also, if you have a favorite “braided novel” – tell me about it!

Until next time,

Cheri B

This post went out to my newsletter subscribers via email. If you’d like to receive these posts in your inbox, along with discounts, new releases, and more, you can sign up here.

#travel #spain #news #books

Airport day, airport day! Let's pack our bags and run away.

Today, I say goodbye to Portugal. We've had two beautiful weeks of tourist time, running around, taking pictures, huffing and puffing up the steeply sharp hills. I'll remember Portugal as a country that exists at 45°, and so beneficial for the glutes. Full of views that seem to come out of nowhere because you're always summiting. Seattle is fairly hilly but we have nothing on Lisbon or Porto. San Francisco could take notes.

What will I remember, exactly? The fairytale beauty of Northern Portugal around the Douro River, for sure. Wine country, with all those hillside terraces cut like ribbons into the soil. I'll remember billows of gray smoke from the carts of roasted chestnut vendors. My first time spotting a brass seashell on a sidewalk – a signpost of the Camino de Santiago. All the brightly colored building along the river and the hillsides of Porto. That wonderfully derpy Sunfish at the Oceanarium in Lisbon. How hard it rained the night we arrived. Tile in thousands of patterns and hundreds of shades, covering everything. I loved walking among the big wooden ships at the Navy museum, marveling at the complexity of the rigging. And I admired the incredible talent many Portuguese have with language, switching from their native tongue, to English, to Spanish, to French. As one of our tour guides told us, “We don't do dubbing here. We watch everything in the original language, with subtitles only, to help us learn.”

Obrigada, Portugal! Thanks for letting us visit.

#travel #portugal

Cheri Baker. Books for Adventurous Readers

Friends and readers,

Greetings from Lisbon, Portugal, where I am writing you from my hotel room, laptop propped on my knees. 😎  Patrick and I are back on the road for a springtime adventure, mixing work and play, and I'm writing to share some book recommendations and a few of the interesting sights I've seen.

A small bookstore called Letra Livre on the lower level of an old building in Lisbon. The building is on a steep hill, and the sidewalk in front tilts sharply down. The inside looks small, organized, and welcoming.

A typical small bookstore in hilly Lisbon

In preparation for this trip, I loaded up on novels with a connection to Portugal. I read an entertaining (but rather improbable) thriller, Two Nights in Lisbon, by Chris Pavone, and I dipped my toes into the multiple literary award winner, Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier. But my favorite of the bunch was The Colours of Death by Patricia Marques, a gritty police procedural with a paranormal tilt.

While not related to Portugal, I kept myself entertained on our long flight reading Death on Board by Anita Davison. Davison has a nice knack for description, and the story is set on a transatlantic voyage from New York to England in the early 1900s. The sleuth is a British governess.

Literary Lisbon

During our brief time here, I learned of Luís de Camões, considered the “Portuguese Shakespeare,” whose influence was so profound that the Portuguese language is sometimes called “The Language of Camões.” I haven't explored his poems yet, but you can learn more about his interesting life here, including his adventures and misadventures at sea.

And imagine my delight when I learned that the world's oldest continually operating bookstore was a short walk from our hotel! The original Livreria Bertrand (now part of a chain) has been selling books since 1732. We went inside and found a surprisingly modern collection, well-organized and welcoming.

The book cover for outlaw justice. It shows a small spacecraft flying away from Mars. The subtitle reads: The First Guardian Book One

292 years of bookselling history, right here.

I'm unlikely to learn Portuguese anytime soon, so I picked up a charming copy of Alice in Wonderland. A grim-faced saleswoman at the desk applied an “official” Livreria Bertrand stamp to the book before glaring at me like she wished I'd die of a painful disease. Perhaps my tastes were too basic?

Visiting a country for the first time is indeed like visiting Wonderland. You're lost. You don't know how things work. Don't offend the queen of the bookstore, or she'll lop off your head! Ha.

With my head firmly attached to my neck, I headed back out into the rain. Rumor has it that our next stop, Porto, has one of the prettiest bookstores in the world. (Video Link)

Literacy as Resistance

ut when it comes to the power of words in Lisbon, what moved me the most was my visit to the Museu Do Aljube Resistência e Liberdade (The Aljube Museum of Resistance and Freedom). It's dedicated to the activists who struggled for decades to overthrow Portugal's former dictatorship, and many of the exhibits were about communication and literacy.

From the ways the authoritarian government strove to suppress literacy (because an uneducated populace is easier to control), to the explosion of underground magazines and hidden printing presses that kept pro-democracy movements alive, the museum was a powerful reminder of the importance of language and communication, not to mention the dangers of government control over books, media, and communication.

The book cover for outlaw justice. It shows a small spacecraft flying away from Mars. The subtitle reads: The First Guardian Book One

Antifascist activists used “muffled typewriters” like this one to avoid being hauled off to jail for sharing their ideas.

Portugal is a young democracy, compared to the United States. As one local told us, “Young people can be tempted to give up on our system, especially when life is difficult. It's important we show them our history, so they understand how dangerous authoritarianism is.”

Reading helps to build up our critical thinking skills while at the same time building empathy for others. My time in Lisbon reminded me that when it comes to literacy, there's far more at stake than entertainment. Words can bring us together, and from time to time, they have the power to change the world.

Until next time...

All my best,

Cheri B.

This post went out to my newsletter subscribers yesterday. If you’d like to receive these posts via email, along with book discounts, new releases, and more, you can sign up here.

#travel #portugal #news #books